Not a show to bring the kids to...
Gravy Train!!!!
The Drunken Unicorn
The Drunken Unicorn
Atlanta, GA
July 23, 2007
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July 23, 2007
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Before you judge us as being overly enthusiastic, all four exclamation marks are part of this outrageous outfit's official name. But even if they weren't, you'd probably associate that kind of boistrous excitement with Gravy Train!!!! anyway.
Gravy Train!!! is one of those rare bands that can seamlessly turns every concert into one giant dance party. Without much effort, Gravy Train!!!!’s music gets everybody movin’, groovin’ and occasionally undressing on the floor. Audience members aren't the only ones sweating and swaying, either. The band's Junx, Hunx, Funx, and Chunx do obscene aerobics to keep the crowd pumped. The lyrics also weigh in somwhere between the absurd and the obscene, with song titles such as "Titties Bounce" and "You Made Me Gay." This is certainly not for the faint of heart! Their new album “All the Sweet stuff” debuts July 10th.
Labels: atlanta, concerts, drunken unicorn, gravy train
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